have some questions?

We got you.

Please have a read through the below, which should hopefully address most of your concerns about your Seychelles wedding!

  • How do I book you?

Firstly, you’d have to drop us an email. In this, please include your dates, where the ceremony/shoot is, and how many people there will be at the wedding/shoot. The more information you give us, the better! Once we get back to you with our availability and a quote, you’ll be asked to put in a deposit via bank transfer in order to book the date. We take photography/videography bookings on a first come, first serve basis, so your wedding photographer cannot be guaranteed until you’ve sent through a deposit for the date! You can settle the rest of the payment in cash or via another transfer after the shoot.

  • What is the best time for a Seychelles photoshoot?

Some wedding organizers in Seychelles will plan a wedding during hours that aren’t ideal from a photography standpoint. We would advise against anything between 10h00-14h00 for a wedding in Seychelles, because these are the hottest times of the day. This not only makes it uncomfortable for you in your wedding clothes, but causes squinting and sweating which adds an unnecessary level of difficulty to the photoshoot. We always recommend evening weddings (ceremony between 16h00-17h00) for the best photography & videography! The sun in Seychelles sets at around 18h15-18h30 so not only is it much cooler in the evening, but the lighting is amazing during this time.

  • what kind of clothes should I wear for a beach wedding in seychelles?

While we understand that you want to look your best for your Seychelles wedding, there a few things to keep in mind when planning your clothes for the day. Firstly, since your wedding is in Seychelles, the ceremony and the following photoshoot will likely be on the beach, which means a lot of sand! So it’s always best to wear flats, or preferably even be barefoot. This will not only be more comfortable for you, but will also make it easier to move around on the beach and rocks, where we’ll be taking most of our amazing photos together. With that said, also do bear in mind how hot it can get in Seychelles, so our advice would be to wear something as light as possible to avoid too much sweating and discomfort. Long dresses are of course up to you, but can tend to be difficult to manoeuvre for more natural photos, and also will get very heavy and sand (and sometimes some sea water) gets onto the tail of the dress. Do be conscious of this :-)

  • is it okay to book another photographer to work alongside you?

We have a team of dedicated photographers in Seychelles, whose quality and service is trusted and have been trained to deliver what we believe to be the best experience possible for your Seychelles wedding. Since every photographer has a different style and a different way of interacting with clients, we always prefer to work with photographers in house - this way we can ensure the best photos for this very special day!

  • ok, we’re booked!! What happens on the day?

We’re there to make the photography experience for your Seychelles wedding as easy as possible for you. Upon arrival, we will usually meet the groom first, get started with some preparation photos with him - reading vows, rings, getting ready, etc. Once that’s done, we will meet the bride and get any preparation photographs done with her, then accompany her down to the wedding venue where the groom will be waiting. During the wedding ceremony, we will try our best to photograph you from as much of a distance as possible. Every now again we may lean in for a close up, but will try our best to not intrude on this intimate moment to the best of our ability, leaving everything to you & the wedding organizers.

Once the champagne & cake cutting is done, we move onto the fun stuff! Our photographer/videographer is there to direct you - for example, “walk in this direction”, “play with her hair”, “look over here” and of course lots of “OKAY NOW KISS!”. We really avoid posing couples, as this can feel unnatural and really tends to show in photographs! The more interactive you are during the photoshoot, the more natural the photographs will come out :-)

  • How long will the photos/video take to deliver?

We know how eager you are to get your wedding photos, especially since you made the effort to come all the way to the Seychelles! However, editing photos and video is a very long and laborious process, where we need to be very attentive to detail. Our usual lead time for getting the deliverables to you is 3-6 weeks, but if you need the photos urgently for whatever reason, please do make note of this to us and we will inform you of our rush fees.

  • What deliverables do you provide?

A typical wedding (2-2.5 hours) usually yields about 200 edited photos. This can vary from shoot to shoot, and often very much depends on YOU. Yep, you heard that right. Let me explain. During the post-ceremony photoshoot, your photographer is there to direct and prompt you with different cues and ideas. The more interactive you are with your photographer (and each other!) the more variety you will get in the shots! We encourage you to be as interactive with your photographer as possible, and to trust them to make good suggestions and take great photos. Even if something sounds silly, give it a try! At the very least, it will get you laughing and create a genuine moment to be captured. You never know, something that you thought was silly could turn out to be your favorite photo from the day :-)

Our wedding videos are around the length of one song, chosen by you. It’s important to note that we do not record any sound from the day as we would have to hook up large and uncomfortable microphones to you, which of course is far from ideal. Both the photography and video deliverables are sent over to you via a download link, in a resolution optimized for web/online viewing. The standard resolution we shoot in will be large enough to print in standard photo albums, but if you have any specific print requirements it’s really important to let us know before the shoot so we can adjust accordingly.

  • have more questions?

Drop us an email and we’ll get back to you there :-)